Don’t Pinch Me (poem) – (from a cool site’s word prompt)

So I came about this cool site,, of poets who gather together at this online Poet’s Pub to enjoy some fine food (especially the desserts it seems) some drink and the good company of other writers sharing words around tables or from atop barstools.

Well, the first word prompt in my new discovery here is “Pinch” and it comes with these instructions:

Greetings, poetical powerhouses! De Jackson (aka WhimsyGizmo) here, happy to be presenting today’s Quadrille – that tiny poem of just 44 words (including one word we provide) that packs a powerful punch

Today, I’d like you to cinch your wee poem together using some form of the word pinch.

You can use it as a noun, verb, or adjective. Let your piece rhyme sublime, or sprinkle in a pinch of prose. Just be sure your poem has a total of 44 words (not including the title), and some literal form of the word pinch is included. 

So, prompt taken then.

Definitely save me a seat in the future by the way.


Don’t Pinch Me

Don’t pinch me to ask me of dreams

The ones we don’t wish to disturb

The ones of colors and stories and peoples vibrant


That you squint and laugh away reality’s wake

Don’t pinch me to tell me that I’m dreaming

I’m good